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Cape Verde in approximate true color

Latest from NASA's spacecraft exploring the red planet.

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On the Final Frontier
Cassini at Saturn

Unlocking the secrets of the ringed giant and its moons

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Comet Tempel 1 Nucleus Shape Model
Science Mission Directorate

NASA uses orbiting observers and robotic landers to investigate the planets, moons, comets, and asteroids of our Solar System.

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NASA-Funded Study Reveals Hazards of Severe Space Weath...

Sun flare

A NASA-funded study describes how extreme solar eruptions could have severe consequences for communications, power grids and other technology on Earth.

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Cassiopeia A Comes Alive

Combined observations of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A

Two new efforts have taken a famous supernova remnant from the static to the dynamic.

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Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Science and Discovery

View from Southwest of Victoria Crater

NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity may still have big achievements ahead as they approach the fifth anniversaries of their memorable landings on Mars.

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  • Remarks Before the Space Transportation Association

    01.08.09 - I've had the pleasure of speaking to the Space Transportation Association each January for the past several years, and I'd like to thank Rich Coleman for this year's invitation.

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  • University of Alabama-Huntsville Fall Commencement Address

    12.12.08 - As President Williams mentioned, I have collected a few of those degrees myself over the years, most of them in my spare time. The degrees themselves are unimportant. What is important is a commitment to life-long learning.

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