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Another Secret: On Joachin Phoenix' testiness: An interview in the October 2007 edi..
Another Secret: On your childhood photos: A revelation about what to review before ..
trying to corral the information I need for four friends and I to have dinner at Club 33 at Disneyland - actors are so fickle
Already made 2 of the three appearances at acting workshops for the day
finished the recording of 22 more episodes of SecretsOfScreenActingThePodcast this morning with Patrick via link from London
@glrbx haven't gotten a notice email from USGS yet - how bad was it?
@bernardx every time I pass by there, I think, "really? a cereal bar on Beverly Boulevard??" I've never stopped in. My loss.
prepping for recording session this morning with British director Patrick Tucker, then two appearances this afternoon at acting workshops
@pbur I was thinking one day or so turn around for my stuff
@greggrunberg I've tried most of them, and Twitterific is the most stable and the same look as the desktop version (on which I'm tweeting)
@StubleU luckily, excel fits my needs. Not that I wouldn't take u up on your offer under different conditions, of course.
copying and pasting thousands of transactions on paypal because I don't want to wait for a download report
@scareykatt improv...writing? Isn't all writing...improv?
@bernardx I actually offered the peeps on my mailing list the code for that - I saw it popping up everywhere - buy me a latte!
@sinspired personally, I'd go for something slimmer, but that's just what I'd d- oh, wait! You mean ACTION figure.
poring over figures with Assistant Ann
@rklau you know about yes? Made an average of 22 percent over the last two years.
@bernardx I've been saying bigass mocha since they started using these cups that look like pasta bowls


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