News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Statement on Schumer Amendment

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, March 8, 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The U.S. Senate today voted against an amendment to the Bankruptcy bill that would have assured that those who commit violent crimes against reproductive-health facilities, women and doctors do not escape paying their debts and fines by declaring bankruptcy. U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), a co-sponsor of the Schumer amendment, today expressed disappointment in its defeat.

Senator Murray’s statement:

“Today’s vote in the Senate is another reminder that reproductive choice in America is under attack. Using bankruptcy laws to avoid accountability is a common tactic of criminals who commit illegal and violent acts against reproductive health facilities.

By voting against this amendment, the Republican majority in the Senate has put violent criminals ahead of patients, doctors and the rule of law.

In Washington state, we have seen the devastating impact of violence against reproductive health care providers and their patients – most recently with an arson at the Eastside Women’s Health Clinic in Olympia. Those who express their opinions through violence should not be rewarded with a legal loophole in bankruptcy law.

Access to a broad range of reproductive options, from family planning to prenatal care, are key elements of the healthcare offered at many of the clinics that have become the target for anti-choice extremists. Today’s vote to protect those who jeopardize women’s health sends the message that the overall bankruptcy bill is more about politics and credit card companies than about protecting the public or true reform.”
