New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
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In this section of the website, you can find the latest news, press releases, and download a photo of Senator Clinton.

December 2005

December 14

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Senate Floor About Misplaced Budget Priorities

November 2005

November 10

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the American Bar Association (ABA) International Rule of Law Symposium

November 02

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Funeral of Rosa Parks

October 2005

October 25

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Cleantech Venture Forum VIII

October 14

Senator Clinton's Remarks to the Women’s Foundation of California 26th Annual Gala

October 08

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the National Women’s Hall of Fame

July 2005

July 30

Senator Clinton's Remarks to the Reserve Officers’ Association

July 25

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the DLC’s 2005 National Conversation

July 18

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the 2005 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference

July 10

Remarks by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Aspen Institute

May 2005

May 31

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at CUNY Honors Graduation

May 24

Remarks by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the 2005 American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference

May 21

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

May 20

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Marymount Manhattan

May 14

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Agnes Scott College

May 01

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Paul Smith's College

April 2005

April 29

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Wisconsin Women in Government

April 07

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Seventh Day Adventists Annual Religious Liberty Dinner

March 2005

March 10

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Congressional Record on the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

March 08

Senator Clinton's Speech to Kaiser Family Foundation Upon Release of Generation M: Media in the Lives of Kids 8 to 18.

March 06

Vital Voices Global Partnership and NYU's Center for Global Affairs Public Forum: Women's Rights are Human Rights (Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing)

February 2005

February 27

Remarks of Senator Clinton at the Families USA Annual Health Action Conference

February 13

The Future Role of the United Nations Within the Framework of Global Security

Excerpts from Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the German Media Prize Dinner

February 03

Statement of Senator Clinton for the Congressional Record on Her Vote on the Nomination of Alberto Gonzales to be U.S. Attorney General

January 2005

January 26

Statement of Senator Clinton for the Congressional Record on Her Vote on the Nomination of Dr. Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State

January 24

Remarks by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the NYS Family Planning Providers

January 23

Remarks by Senator Clinton to Brandeis University's Rabb Seminar

January 19

Remarks by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Ten Point National Leadership Foundation

January 06

Floor Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Need for Voting Reform to Protect our Democracy