
10/03/08: Have You Claimed Your Tax Rebate Check?

If you are a Senior Citizen or a Veteran with a disability, you may still be eligible for a rebate check from the IRS ranging from $300-$1,200.

In order to receive your rebate check, you must file a 2007 tax return form by OCTOBER 15, 2008 even if you do not normally file a tax return.

You are eligible for a rebate check if:

6/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Finance Committee Adoption of Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Tax Credits

June 19, 2007

“Strengthening America’s energy security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and addressing the threat of global climate change will require transforming our transportation sector.  Promoting a new generation of fuel-efficient vehicles is critical to this effort.  Toward that end, I wrote last week to Chairman Baucus requesting that the Senate Finance Committee extend the alternative motor vehicle tax credits.  That is why I am pleased that the Finance Committee acted today to support additional tax credits for fuel-efficient alternative motor vehicles and plug-in hybrids.  I commend Chairman Baucus and the other members of the Committee for recognizing the importance of encouraging manufacturers to continue investing in innovative technologies, and for enabling Americans to make cleaner, greener choices that advance our nation’s economic, energy, and environmental interests.  I am hopeful these important alternative vehicle tax incentives will be retained throughout the legislative process, and ultimately enacted into law.  I will continue to press to ensure that result.”

3/07/07: Dodd, Shays Introduce the Telecommuter Tax Fairness Act

Measure will protect Connecticut telecommuters from New York taxation

March 7, 2007

In an effort to protect telecommuters in Connecticut and nationwide from unfair double taxation, Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Christopher Shays yesterday reintroduced a measure to prevent the State of New York from levying taxes on Connecticut telecommuters for work they perform in Connecticut.  Senator Lieberman is an original cosponsor of the legislation in the Senate.

7/31/06: Dodd Urges Justification of Job Cuts at IRS

July 31, 2006

Washington – Citing a recent New York Times report revealing that the IRS plans to eliminate nearly half of the agency’s lawyers who perform audits related to the estate and gift taxes, Senator Chris Dodd wrote a letter on July 26 to IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson requesting details explaining his decision. Dodd, a senior member of the Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, said he hoped that the job cuts did not represent an attempt to undermine the enforcement of current law governing the estate and gift taxes.

6/09/06: De la Abrogación Permanente del Impuesto de Estado

Submitted by Chris Dodd on June 9, 2006 - 11:07am.

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Senator Dodd habla sobre la abrogación permanente del impuesto de estado.

6/09/06: Thoughts on the Estate Tax Repeal

Submitted by Chris Dodd on June 9, 2006 - 11:02am.
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Hi, this is Senator Chris Dodd again, and I want to welcome you to my Podcast. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to talk you with you and we’ve been busy here, obviously, with some issues that have been terribly important, and some that have been hardly important at all, but more the subject of Senate debate to score political points, rather than actually do anything for the country.
( published in: Taxes | The Economy | Podcasts )

6/07/06: Floor Statement of Senator Chris Dodd on Repealing the Estate Tax

June 7, 2006 If I may, I wish to turn to the matter at hand; that is, the debate regarding the estate tax.

5/11/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Senate Tax Bill

May 11, 2006

“I support tax cuts for all Americans. But this bill would irresponsibly and recklessly dig us $70 billion farther into debt while shelling out the lion’s share of benefits to those who need it least. Our nation has great promise but unless we get our fiscal house in order and live within our means we are living on borrowed time and that is wrong.
( published in: Media Center | Statements | Taxes | The Economy )

2/13/06: Floor Statement of Senator Christopher J. Dodd: Retain Veterans’ and Military Health Funds in the Tax Reconciliation Bill

February 13, 2006

Remarks as prepared.

Mr. President, I send a motion to the desk and ask for its immediate consideration.

10/21/05: Sens. Dodd, Smith Introduce Legislation to Encourage Tax Relief for Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Responders

Measure Would Prevent the IRS from Taxing Compensation for Service

WASHINGTON – Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) today introduced bipartisan legislation to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from taxing the compensation awarded to local volunteer firefighters and emergency medical responders for service to their communities. Congressman John Larson (D-CT) introduced similar legislation in the House of Representatives.

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