
9/16/08: Senator Dodd Holds Press Confrence on Economy, Market Turmoil

Submitted by Chris Dodd on September 16, 2008 - 5:23pm.
September 16, 2008

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Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, held a press conference today to discuss the economic crisis and recent turmoil in the markets. Click the link to the right to hear a recording of his opening statement. A transcript is below.

9/15/08: Dodd Statement on Market Turmoil

September 15, 2008

“The economic crisis facing our country is deepening, as we saw over the weekend with the failure of Lehman Brothers and the sale of Merrill Lynch.  To fully understand the implications of these events, we need to learn more about the Administration’s involvement, and its plans going forward.  At the Treasury Secretary’s request, I have postponed tomorrow’s hearing.

“Millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet as unemployment rises, home values plummet, and everyday necessities like food and gas cost more than ever before.  The Banking Committee has played a vital role both in revealing the pattern of lax regulatory oversight that helped to create this financial crisis, and in addressing related economic problems by crafting comprehensive legislation passed earlier this year.  As Chairman, I will continue to work on solutions to help Americans weather this storm, including strengthening the housing sector, developing a second stimulus package, and restructuring the regulation of the financial sector.”

9/09/08: Dodd Calls for Fairness in New NASA Space Suit Competition

September 9, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) recently sent a letter to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Administrator Michael Griffin expressing concern about how the recent competition for the new Constellation Space Suit System was executed.  The competition resulted in NASA awarding the new contract to Oceaneering International, a firm that specializes in deep sea diving suits, instead of Connecticut-based Hamilton Sundstrand, the company that has manufactured America’s space suits for more than 40 years.  This decision has since been withdrawn by NASA due to concerns voiced by the NASA Inspector General and a protest filed by Hamilton Sundstrand with the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

7/31/08: Dodd Urges Investment in Nation's Infrastructure

On eve of anniversaries of Minneapolis bridge collapse and introduction of bipartisan bill, Dodd delivers speech on importance of rebuilding America's infrastructure

Click image to play video
July 31, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, today spoke on the Senate floor on the state of our nation’s infrastructure and the importance of long-term investment in our roads, bridges, mass transit, drinking water, and wastewater removal systems.  Dodd’s speech comes on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the tragic I-35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Tomorrow also marks one year since Dodd introduced the National Infrastructure Bank Act along with Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE).  Dodd has held two hearings on the legislation, which has 12 co-sponsors.

7/30/08: President Signs Dodd's Legislation to Help Homeowners, Strengthen Economy

New law will help struggling homeowners, communities, housing markets

July 30, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, today issued the following statement after President Bush signed into law the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, which Dodd authored along with Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL):

“Today marks an important change in the federal government's response to the economic strain being felt by millions of Americans across the country and our financial markets.  This is the most sweeping housing legislation since the Great Depression, representing a turning point in our country's commitment to economic growth and affordable housing, and providing relief to homeowners and communities across the country.  I congratulate the President for signing it, and I am committed to ensuring that this law is implemented effectively and expeditiously, and that it fulfills its promise to prevent foreclosures, restore home values, stabilize our housing markets, and create economic growth.”

7/26/08: Major Legislation to Strengthen Economy and Help Homeowners Nationwide Passes Senate 72-13

Bipartisan bill will help struggling homeowners, communities, housing markets

July 26, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, today announced that the Senate passed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act by a vote of 72-13.  This legislation is expected to help hundreds of thousands of Americans who are struggling to keep their homes, as well as countless homeowners and communities who are already experiencing the devastating effects of foreclosure.  The legislation also contains comprehensive reforms to our nation’s housing sector, including the creation of a strong, new regulator for the government-sponsored enterprises.  In response to recent turmoil in our financial markets, the bill also includes provisions requested by the Treasury Department to restore confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

7/22/08: Dodd, Shelby Statement on Housing Legislation

July 22, 2008

“We have been working diligently for months on legislation to address the housing crisis.  Last week we sent legislation to the House.  Since then, we have been engaged in extensive and largely fruitful discussions with our counterparts in the House of Representatives, as well as Administration officials. We remain optimistic about the prospects for this legislation.”

7/21/08: Senators Push Use It or Lose It Amendments to Energy Speculation Bill

July 21, 2008

U.S. Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) are continuing their push to ensure that, before the oil companies seek additional leases, they develop the 68 million acres of federal land they currently lease.  The trio is attempting to offer several amendments to the energy speculation legislation currently being considered by the Senate. Feingold, Dodd and Menendez recently introduced the “Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act” and “Responsible Ownership of Public Land Act.” The first requires oil companies to show they are either producing oil or gas - or making progress exploring or developing – on current leases before they obtain more.  The Responsible Ownership of Public Land Act, which the trio introduced along with Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), would charge oil companies a fee for every acre of land they lease but do not use for production.  The Senate could vote on the oil speculation legislation as early as Tuesday, July 22. 

7/16/08: Dodd, Lieberman Announce Committee Approval of $241.1 Million for Connecticut Programs

July 16, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) today praised Senate Appropriations Committee approval of $241.1 million in federal funding for a variety of Connecticut initiatives.  This funding will be used for, among other services, economic development initiatives, education, health care, and family and community support programs – efforts essential to the wellbeing and continued success of Connecticut.

7/16/08: Senators Dodd, Feingold, and Menendez Tell Oil Companies to Use 68 Million Acres or Lose It

July 16, 2008

This morning, Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI), and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) discussed their legislation that would push oil companies to use the 68 million acres of federal land already leased to them or otherwise relinquish it. Republicans are calling for coastline drilling that would not produce a drop of oil until 2017 and would not lower gas prices ever. On the other hand, Democrats are supporting proposals to help lower gas prices today by cracking down on speculation in the oil markets, proposals to increase domestic production by pushing the oil companies to use these 68 million acres and proposals to develop renewable energy and advanced alternative fuels for the long term.

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