News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Senator Murray Calls on President Bush to Increase Education Funding

Unveils Education Budget Action Plan to double America's investment in education over 10 Years

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, March 29, 2001

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Joined by a handful of Senate colleagues, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today called on the Bush administration to honor its commitment to "leave no child behind" by doubling America's investment in education over the next ten years. The Education Budget Action Plan announced today would double America's investment in education from 2 cents per federal dollar to 4 cents. The plan will be offered as an amendment to the budget when it is debated next week.

The plan will expand access to Head Start to all eligible 3 and 4 year olds, reduce class size by increasing the number of teachers, improve public school buildings and build 6,000 new schools, and enable all Americans to attend college without incurring a mountain of debt.

"President Bush talks about 'leaving no child behind,' but he must revise his budget to turn that pledge into a policy," said Murray. "It is tragic that in the year 2001, we have still not ensured that all children start school ready to learn, that all students have a highly qualified teacher in an uncrowded classroom, and that all students attend classes in safe and modern school buildings."

Murray noted that President Bush's budget plan eliminates the guarantee to hire and train new teachers to reduce classroom overcrowding. Bush also intends to eliminate funds to rebuild and modernize crumbling schools across the country.

"If it is time to unite, not divide, then let us unite behind this noble goal. If it is time to reform with results, then let us reform the budget so it reflects our highest calling. If we truly want to leave no child behind, then let us put our children ahead of a tax cut for the wealthy," said Murray.
