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I hereby commit: Any item shipped to me in styrofoam peanuts (no matter how cool) will be immediately returned to the merchant.
@tempo Have you seen the robots @zappos has in his shipping center? The machines HAVE ALREADY taken over.
Under my administration, there would be a bulk discount when paying parking tickets.
Bacon and mulling spices make for the best smelling house on my block. Mmmm.
Dear Santa, Could you please bring electronic parking meters to San Francisco? Despite being a good boy this year, I am out of quarters.
@Konatbone Did you just establish the might of your dinner posse by self-referral? I don't dispute the claim, but sacrebleu!
I owe exactly 12.7% of who I am today to RescueTime (
In my administration, it would be illegal to sell a game console with only one controller in the box.
My declaration to the Best Buy rep that I don't care about HD provoked pity, taunting, and a call to his incredulous co-worker.
1) That definitely wasn't me walking into the pole while Twittering 2) Concerned my iPhone autocorrected "when" to "hens"
Hear me now and believe me later: the $8 shampoo/hot towel at Supercuts is the best money you will EVER spend.
Which should be my first stop in SF after weeks on the road?: a) Whole Foods or b) Supercuts
I move through SFO with alarming familiarity, precision, and efficiency.
Took a full 2-3 minutes upon waking to figure out which country/city I am in. Next flight: home.
To be clear, it's my favorite brother Brian's bday. He's @saccasacca and he's giving a hilarious speech punctuated with interpretive dance. - Surprise!!! @saccasacca is 30 years old!! (Wow. That is old.)
Words only flight attendants say: 1) purser 2) placard 3) seatbackintraytables
Dear Florida: Blasting every public space with Christmas carols at full volume does not equate, nor inspire, holiday cheer.
Working with the George Foreman Grill team on legitimately kickass new tech that brings clean water to the developing world.
Asking a Floridian which channel will broadcast the hockey game is like asking George W. Bush for his favorite Firefox extensions.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla sara Livia Krissy Bush al Alissa Philip Kaplan ilona Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Ozlem Pete Hopkins Jason Shugars neha Kevin Fox Ross derek dukes lorna om tedr
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