Chris Sacca’s Favorites

Matt Haughey
mathowie I'd like to see a live-action Charlie Brown Christmas special with Malkovich playing a near-suicidal Charlie Brown. And Jack Black as Snoopy
hodgman Secrets of Twitter revealed: Oblique Scientology reference=eerie silence. Oblique Dune ref=like opening a closet full of moths. Plus favrd.
Darth Vader
darthvader Tarkin says we have to make cut backs. Stupid union clone troopers make $70 an hour and naturally, there's like a million of them.
joshacagan Stay classy, Facebook advertising:
Lisa Ellis
lisaellis Rainy day in NYC!!! Trying to hitch a ride to warm weather with my dear friend, @sacca, to Necker Island!!!! Take me with you!!!
ilona affianced to @pud. betrothed, if you will.
travis kalanick
Konatbone I'm making the trek, braving the crowds of 2M+, to watch history in the making . . . what about you?? OBAMA Inaugural 2009!!
dick costolo
dickc Time to reset the Illinois governor sign once again to "This office has been criminal-free for 0 days".
Cobra Commander
CobraCommander HR organized a Viper Field Day to "improve minion morale." Because nothing makes a soldier feel like a man quite like a three-legged race.
Bryce Roberts
bryce OH from my 8yo: if I get scared on any of the rides I'm going to close my eyes and dream of unicorns laying on rainbows.
fake mat honan
mat Scoble: Twitter has a similar feature, called Favorites, but no one actually uses that - Well, at least not on you, dude.
travis kalanick
Konatbone @melodymcc is losing her sh*t .. elton john is dining 15 feet away from our table
Kevin Fox
kfury I have male-pattern badass.
Tristan Louis
TNLNYC Congrats to John Seely Brown on your new CTO role, if the rumors are correct
Brian Sacca
SaccaSacca Mr. Homeless Man, next time I give you money to help you with the "rectal bleeding," don't force me to shake hands after. Thank you, Purell.
Crystal English
crystale Never underestimate the happiness inducing effects of a trip to the wholefoods salad bar.
hotdogsladies You should see me tweaking this PHP code. I'm like a toddler with a fork, trying to improve an electric outlet.
bryan mason
bryanmason Hank is sitting alone on the deck reading. He does not care that it is 55 degrees and that he cannot read.
Gerald Sacca
thekooze Somewhat incongruous to think your youngest child is 30, and your most popular rant in college was "Never trust anyone over the age of 30!"
Josh Kopelman
joshk Son - I'm gonna be older than u. Me - no, dads are always older than sons. Son - when u r dead I'll be older. Me - what u want for lunch?


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