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really nice, nascent idea (on a blog):
@ksjhalla thanks for connecting us!
dang there are a lotta innersting folks Tweeting
incredibly beautiful moon out over SF
yo @doctorow, thank you for the writing advice. lots.
@valdiskrebs ooo, I bet a map of my social network in this context is teeny, too!
@ElspethM howdy! I was at W from Sept 1983 to May 1985. you? (can't d you unless you follow me)
@SonyaLynn not such a Flock fan. I'd switch to Chrome but my FF plugins & RoboForm couldn't follow
@cascio Vista's just pig-dog slow all too often
@JimmySky wow. clean over old OS/data, or clean on empty drive? sounds like a big improvement
sooo I'm on Windows Vista Ultimate. should I switch to Win7? (I know, I know: get a Mac)
@johnmoe so sorry to hear of the show's cancellation, John
as are @rosaleeharden and @kevindoylejones (woo hoo!). now if I can ever convince Kevin that Twitter is worthy
childhood friend @Stephen_Venute is Tweeting. excellent!
pretty schmart idea from Two Pins PR:
history of visual communication: (tx, Twine!)
@jerrymichalski is ranked 688 on retweetrank Where do you rank?
dang! broke the frame on my sunglasses this morning
@heywoj same here. I'm actually in PA tomorrow morn, but have to scoot back to SF quickly. s/b another trip down w/in next 2 weex