Dodd on FISA: Few Things are More Detrimental to this Country than the Erosion of and Attack on our Civil Liberties
January 23, 2008

As the Senate today prepares to consider, for the second time, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reform legislation that would grant immunity to telecommunications companies who cooperated with the Bush administration’s secret wiretapping program, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) made the following remarks:


“Few things are more detrimental to this country than the erosion of and attack on the civil liberties we enjoy. This isn’t a Democratic issue or a Republican issue; this is an American issue. If after debate, the Senate appears ready to pass legislation granting telecom providers retroactive immunity I will use any and all legislative tools at my disposal, including a filibuster, to prevent this deeply flawed bill from becoming law.  More and more, Americans are rejecting the false choice that has come to define this administration: security or liberty, but never, ever both. For all those who have stood with me throughout this fight, I pledge, once more, to stand up for you.”


When the Senate first considered this legislation on December 17, Senator Dodd defeated the attempt to pass the bill.  Dodd objected to the bill early in the morning and remained on the floor for almost ten hours, taking a stand for the rule of law and the Constitution with his statements throughout the day.  At approximately 7:30 P.M. Majority Leader Reid announced the FISA reform bill would be pulled from the Senate calendar and reconsidered in January.

