PHOTO: Senator Murray Joins Boeing Works to Hear the Air Force's Shocking Decision to Award Airbus with the Tanker Contract


Today I stood with the men and women of Boeing in Everett as the Air Force announced that it would be outsourcing a $40 billion contract to build aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. Boeing workers were shocked, angry, and wanted answers – and so do I.

Awarding this critical military contract to Airbus, a company that is heavily subsidized by European governments, is a threat to our economic, military, and trade security. At a time when families are struggling and unemployment is rising at home, it is unacceptable that we are investing in European jobs instead of creating 44,000 new jobs here. At a time when we are engaged in two wars, we need to ask ourselves whether we should place war-fighting tools and technology in foreign hands. And as we continue to compete in a global market, we need to ask why we are giving $40 billion to a company that our government has brought a World Trade Organization (WTO) illegal subsidies case against.


In the days, weeks, and months ahead I will work relentlessly to get answers and will explore every option available to me to right this wrong.

Sign the Petition to Denounce the Air Force's Decision

Friday, February 29, 2008
