Kevin Marks’s Favorites

Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid @karllong We have a saying down here in Texas: "Parisians. And you thought Yankees were assholes..."
Mike Schinkel
mikeschinkel To hell with Facebook Connect and Google's Friend Connect; I want "Twitter Connect."
Mark Pilgrim
diveintomark Some industries, when confronted with the problem of going digital, think "I know, I'll use DRM." Now they have 2 problems. (apologies jwz)
Tantek Çelik
t Happy #bluebeanieday! But open standards event on closed Facebook? Dear FB: plz add hCalendar, allow public event viewing!
andrewbarnett @roweeena where are you? rain tends to slide around the sides of Sunbury, regardless of the direction its coming from
Guy Kawasaki
Doc Searls
dsearls VRM is Personal begins, "'Social' is a bubble..."
Tom Coates
plasticbagUK I have just been asked to share a photo with the Flickr group 'Bird and Animal butts'. In other news, I'm totally late for a meeting.
Dave Winer
davewiner I hate sites that send tweets on behalf of users: "Found you through xxx" -- impossible to block. Twitter guys, we need filtered blocks.
Cristiano Betta
cbetta Those poor martians. We send them all those cool toys but the battery lifes just suck.
Sooz @kevinmarks I want to see it up in the top nav as an option where it has Mail, Documents, Calendar, Sites -- part of my Google Apps setup.
Jeff Atwood
codinghorror crusty old web pages still offering clips in RealPlayer format. It's like discovering tablets covered with hieroglyphics. Need rosetta stone
Dan Gillmor
dangillmor HORRIBLE idea in Internet Era: revival of "Fairness Doctrine" --
JChristi @ronfriedmann Are these rhetorical questions? Open Social seems to be the closest thing to a universal platform but FB doesn't use it.
dewitt The FSF says certain GFDL works can be relicensed as CC 3.0 BY-SA! This is huge news. re:
Cyan Banister
cyantist Just added Top Friends on Facebook and put libertarians in the top 8 spots (maybe 10?)
Clay Shirky
cshirky Plug G1 into USB, it mounts. Drag mp3 there-it plays. Drag mp3 off-it copies. No psswd/DRM. Awesome! It's (finally) the future we saw in '99
Jonathan Sanderson
jjsanderson "This footage is technically quite poor" / "Well, it was shot by thirteen year-olds with equipment that's as old as they are."
Anil Dash
anildash "Wasilla's all i saw" -- a PALINdrome! Genius!
themezoom Interviewing Kevin Marks, head Open Social developer at Google about Friend Connect. Probably the most mind blowing conversation ever. Smart


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Eric Case veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault May Woo Matt Jones Ross Nitin Borwankar om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Adam Hertz Dion Hinchcliffe adam Shelly Farnham
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