Muslim families removed from AirTran flight get apology
Nine passengers were questioned after teens overheard their chatting about airline safety. The FBI cleared the U.S. citizens but the airline refused them passage.
Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter Jr. will reportedly name dark horse candidate Michael Bennet to fill the seat left vacant by Democrat Ken Salazar. Salazar is to become Obama's Interior secretary. >>

January 2, 2009
There are fewer of them, but Democrats may need them to break potential GOP filibusters. >>

The Community Services Board decided it needed guidance in making some difficult decisions. The approach could become more common, analysts say. >>

January 1, 2009
Both sides hope to avoid a scene, but neither is budging on whether Illinois' Roland Burris should be allowed on the floor and seated as Barack Obama's replacement. >>

A quirk in federal law prevents them from getting automatic cost-of-living increases. A bill before Congress to boost their salaries showed promise -- but that was before the Wall Street meltdown. >>

Road to the Inauguration
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Roger Smith, National Editor

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