U.S. Senator Bob Bennett - Utah
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Bennett in the Senate

President George W. Bush meets with Senator Bob Bennett As counsel to the Senate Republican Leader and a member of the Senate Republican leadership team, Senator Bennett meets regularly with President Bush to discuss national priorities and the congressional agenda..

Leadership Positions – Committee Assignments

Learn more about Sen. Bennett’s leadership positions in the Senate and an overview of his committee assignments.

Bennett Biography

Information about Senator Bennett’s background, family and career are contained in his biography.

Bennett Legislative Activities

Review details and status of current legislation sponsored and cosponsored by Senator Bennett, as well as legislative activities in previous Congresses.


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Event Photos

See photos of the events Senator Bennett recently attended. Photos include the welcome home rally for Utah soldiers, the Medicare discount drug card town meetings, and the senator’s latest trip to Kuwait and Iraq.

Understanding the Legislative Process

Accomplishments (See complete list)


      Among the most readily visible of Bennett’s contributions to the state are his efforts to strengthen Utah’s transportation and mass-transit infrastructure. Bennett was instrumental in obtaining federal full-funding grant agreements toward the construction of the initial north/south light rail line and the Main Street to Rice-Eccles Stadium and University Medical Center lines. The hundreds of millions in federal funding secured by Bennett have helped to build a light-rail transit system that is a model for other cities and provides an attractive and efficient alternative to automobile transportation for many Salt Lake County residents.

Actively pursued federal financing for development of a Wasatch Front commuter rail system.
Successfully increased bus fleet in many communities in the state.
Authored language in Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) authorizing the use of discretionary funding to assist Olympic venue cities, expediting I-15 reconstruction in Salt Lake Valley.
High-Tech / Y2K

      Senator Bennett has emerged as a well-respected and prominent high-tech leader in Washington D.C.. He has served as chair of the Senate Republican High Tech Task Force, and headed the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Working Group. To facilitate the sharing of private sector information on vulnerabilities in high-tech systems, Bennett authored legislation that allows companies to share crucial information with the government without fear that it will fall improperly into the hands of competitors or terrorists, while preserving public access to information through existing FOIA procedures. Industry groups have recognized his leadership with awards such as ‘Legislator of the Year’ from the Information Technology Industry Council and induction into the ‘High-Tech Legislator Hall of Fame’ by the American Electronics Association.

     As chairman of the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem, Bennett held 34 public hearings and solicited testimony from more than 150 witnesses in assessing the scope and impact of the Y2K problem and became known as the leading congressional voice in alerting U.S. government and business to the looming crisis. Bennett’s Y2K legislative efforts promoted disclosure by publicly traded companies of their Year 2000 readiness and encouraged sharing of information about Y2K related computer processing problems, solutions, test practices and results.

      Senator Bennett secured millions in federal funds and guided passage of numerous legislative proposals in support of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. He successfully accelerated federal payments for important transportation projects to ensure their completion prior to the games. He sponsored legislation to mint the 2002 Winter Olympic Games commemorative coin and received federal funding for a drug doping control program for the games. After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Bennett successfully augmented the millions already appropriated for security to ensure the safety of the Olympic Games, its participating athletes, officials and spectators.

      Following years of crop devastation in the state, Bennett, as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, secured $7.6 million to fight Mormon cricket and grasshopper infestations in Utah. The Utah Department of Agriculture had assessed drought and insect damage in the state at over $200 million, and crickets had infested nearly 3.2 million acres.
Tax Policy

      Long an advocate of tax simplification and reform, Bennett has worked on bipartisan efforts to develop a new national tax system based on a flat tax/consumption based tax. His most recent efforts toward the goal of the "1040 form on a postcard" include successfully sponsoring an amendment calling on the Senate Finance Committee and the Joint Economic Committee to undertake a comprehensive analysis of tax simplification proposals, including flat tax proposals, and to conduct appropriate hearings and consider appropriate legislation.

431 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington  DC 20510-4403       Phone: (202) 224-5444       E-mail Senator Bennett
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