Issue Statements - Defense


Defense for All Americans

Republicans are committed to Securing America’s Freedom, Homeland and Borders Action by President Bush and the Republican Congress, using military, intelligence and law enforcement resources, has led to the capture or elimination of many of al Qaeda’s top leaders and substantially degraded the capability of their terrorist network. Afghanistan and Iraq now have democratic governments and are managing more of their own defense and security; we have had no new terrorist attack since 9/11. “I’ve always found it remarkable that, for some, the answer to terror attacks is to turn their heads and hope for the best. But as the 9/11 Commission warned, if we leave Iraq to the terrorists it will only become a breeding ground for attacks here at home… Terror attacks against the United States didn’t start on 9/11 or the day our troops entered Baghdad. But attacks here at home stopped when we started fighting al Qaeda where they live, rather than responding after they hit.” - Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (R-KY) ? Funding for Defense Provided $74.6 billion to meet the needs of troops overseas fighting the Global War on Terror, pandemic flu preparation, increased border security, levee repair and flood control projects. ? Confronting Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions Authorized assistance to pro-democracy groups inside and outside Iran, and provides additional authorities in the way of tools to curb money laundering efforts that support WMD proliferation. ? Confronting North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions North Korea is subject to the requirements of the Iran and Syria Nonproliferation Act, which directs the President to impose additional sanctions against governments and individuals responsible for transferring missile, weapons of mass destruction, and advanced conventional weapons technologies to North Korea. ? Reauthorized the Patriot Act Provides law enforcement and intelligence agencies with the tools necessary to detect, apprehend, and prosecute terrorists and criminals. ? Strengthened Borders Appropriates funds for 700 miles of barriers (including double and triple-layer fencing, sensors, lighting, and vehicle barriers) in specified areas along the U.S.-Mexico border. The bill would help prevent unlawful U.S. entries of terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. ? Authorized Military Tribunals for Dangerous Terrorist Suspects The Military Commissions Act preserves the national security program for detaining and interrogating terrorists and authorizes military tribunals to bring suspected terrorists to justice. ? Port Security Overhaul The Security and Accountability for Every (SAFE) Port Act puts into place a comprehensive strategy for protecting our ports and addressing potential threats before they ever reach the United States; enhances ability to track and screen containers en route to U.S. shores. ? Terrorist Surveillance Republicans have supported programs to authorize the Terrorist Surveillance Program and allow American intelligence officials to intercept calls made by al Qaeda operatives overseas to their cohorts in the United States. ? Service Members Life Insurance Republicans have increased the maximum life insurance coverage to ensure that military survivors and their families are cared for. ? Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act The law ensures that America’s fallen heroes will receive the level of dignity and honor befitting their service to our country during their funeral services. ? Fingerprint and Biometric Identification System This provision uses biometric identifiers, such as fingerprint scans at ports of entry to ensure that terrorists and criminals monitored by the FBI or DHS are identified and stopped before they are able to enter the country. Democrat Obstruction Democrats have argued among themselves about how fast to cut and run from the battlefield in the War on Islamic Fascism and fought to block tools necessary to defend freedom abroad and defend our nation here at home. ? Democrats urged retreat from Iraq, the central front in the War on Islamic Fascism, by voting for competing withdrawal measures. ? Democrats blocked reauthorization of the Patriot Act for months. Harry Reid boasted: “We killed the Patriot Act!” ? Democrats blocked nominees to critical national security positions, including U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, Department of Defense and Intelligence officials. ? Democrats block expediting our national missile defense system, attempting to CUT funding by $50 billion this year while threats from Iran and North Korea rise. ? Democrats voiced opposition to NSA Terrorist Surveillance programs that are critical to stopping future attacks, leading to a partisan censure motion against the President. ? Democrats blocked efforts to end the failed practice of catch & release of illegal immigrants. ? Democrats block securing our nation’s ports by performing background checks on workers with access to these sensitive sites.

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