Issue Statements - Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs


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  • 01.09.09

    Senator Saxby Chambliss Underscores Support for Israel

    Senator(s): Saxby Chambliss

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  • 09.17.08

    Senator Mel Martinez Discusses Cuba Humanitarian Aid

    Senator(s): Mel Martinez

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  • 09.09.08

    Senator Kit Bond Discussess the Colombia Free Trade Agreement

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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Countries with greatest value of OPIC projects
Countries with greatest value of OPIC projects
Countries with greatest value of OPIC projectsL-W Helps Foreign WorkersGetAway card MemDay 08GetAway Points CFTOlympics of OppressionWe Pay They PayIraqi Reconstruction Financing Steadily Increasing Defense BudgetIraqi Security Budget Outpacing U.S. Security Assistance to IraqTotal Annual Oil Imports–$5 Billion BarrelsFox NewsChicago TribuneRosett and State Dept QuoteThe Boston GlobeZero for SevenDemograhic Distribution EstimatesAdditional Troop Deployments Under the New Iraq StrategyThe Shiite CrescentSecuring Our BordersReligious Freedom Agenda
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  • 10.19.07

    McConnell on President’s Announcement of Additional Sanctions Against Burma

    Senator(s): Mitch McConnell

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  • 01.30.07

    Senator Stevens Introduces Ambassador Negroponte at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Nomination Hearing

    Senator(s): Ted Stevens

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  • 01.11.07

    Bond speaks at Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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