Issue Statements - Social Security

Social Security

Save and strengthen Social Security

Republicans will save and strengthen Social Security by protecting promised benefits for today’s seniors and those nearing retirement while offering younger workers increased financial security through a voluntary personal retirement account - a nest egg they can call their own and pass on to their children.


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  • 03.12.08

    Senator Jim Bunning Talks About Social Security

    Senator(s): Jim Bunning

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  • 11.06.07

    Senator Susan Collins Supports Bill To Protect Retirement Benefits of Public Workers

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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  • 10.23.07

    Senator John Ensign Floor Speech Protecting Social Security

    Senator(s): John Ensign

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Where Your Tax Dollar Goes In 2007: $2.7 Trillion in Federal Spending
Where Your Tax Dollar Goes In 2007: $2.7 Trillion in Federal Spending
Where Your Tax Dollar Goes In 2007: $2.7 Trillion in Federal SpendingSocial Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Spending as a % of GDPMid Session 109th Two AgendasCreating Jobs and Delivering on America's PrioritiesAugust '05 calendarJuly 4th 2005 Recess PacketSavings: $792 BillionRaided: 1.7 TrillionStop the RaidLeadership Stakeout PocketcardMajority MessageSave and Strengthen Social Security - June 7, 2005Republicans  Doing the People’s Business / Securing Our Nation’s EconomySave & Strengthen Social Security/Strengthening Social Security for Those in Need Memorial Day 2005 Recess PacketDemocrats' Defiance on Social SecurityRecess May '05Keystone Connection 2005AP quotes POTUS-VPOTUS
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  • 10.23.07

    Ensign Protects Social Security

    Senator(s): John Ensign

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  • 06.28.06

    Senator Gregg speaks on Obstructionism to Budget Reform

    Senator(s): Judd Gregg

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  • 05.18.06

    Social security amendment to the immigration bill

    Senator(s): John Ensign

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