Issue Statements - Women's Issues

Women's Issues


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  • 04.25.06

    Senator Mike Crapo at news conference on teen dating violence

    Senator(s): Mike Crapo

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  • 02.06.06

    Senator Mike Crapo press conference on National Teen Dating Violence and Prevention Week

    Senator(s): Mike Crapo

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Global AIDS Activity Booklet
Global AIDS Activity Booklet
Global AIDS Activity BookletCompassion AgendaWomen and Healthcare pocket card23rd annual Montana Women's Conference brochure2006 AALS newsletterSexOffenders-USA mapSex offenders SMART ActMid Session 109th Two AgendasParental NotificationBusiness and Professional Women's Leadership Summit
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  • 09.09.05

    Senator Murkowski raises awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

    Senator(s): Lisa Murkowski

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