Issue Statements - Marriage


Protect marriage for the good of families, children and society

Republicans will protect marriage - a core social institution - from redefinition by activist judges.


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  • 06.07.06

    Senator Conrad Burns Statement on Marriage Protection Amendment Vote


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  • 06.06.06

    Senator David Vitter disscuss the Constitutional Amendment of Marriage

    Senator(s): David Vitter

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  • 06.06.06

    Senator John Thune dissuss the Constitutional Amendment on Marriage

    Senator(s): John Thune

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The Compassion Agenda
The Compassion Agenda
The Compassion AgendaCompassion AgendaOwnership AgendaSenate Anti-Poverty AgendaSenate Anti-Poverty Agenda AccomplishmentsPennsylvania House Votes in Favor of Marriage Protection AmendmentVitter & DeMint at Marriage Press ConferenceState-by-State Pre-Ballot  PollingBenefits of MarriageNumber of states that have adopted a constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriagevalid or not validScalia quoteBanned in Boston# of states that have existing statutory language to protect traditional marriageBenefits of Marriage for ChildrenBenefits of Marriage for Children–SPANISH versionMid Session 109th Two AgendasMarriage-Pending LawsuitsMarriage-State Legislature Ballots
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  • 06.21.06

    Meth trafficking opening statement

    Senator(s): Norm Coleman

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  • 06.07.06

    Washington Listening Post

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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  • 06.07.06

    Senator Richard Shelby FMA Floor Speech

    Senator(s): Richard Shelby

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