Issue Statements - Government



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  • 01.07.09

    Senate Republican Press Conference on 111th Session of Congress

    Senator(s): Jon Kyl, John Ensign, Lamar Alexander, John Thune, Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn

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  • 07.29.08

    Senator Arlen Specter Floor Speech on "Filling the Tree" (Part 1 of 2)

    Senator(s): Arlen Specter

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  • 07.29.08

    Senator Arlen Specter Floor Speech on "Filling the Tree" (Part 2 of 2)

    Senator(s): Arlen Specter

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  • 11.13.08

    Senator Martinez discusses homeownership crisis

    Senator(s): Mel Martinez

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  • 09.19.08

    Senator Gregg's Floor Speech on Financial Market Challenges

    Senator(s): Judd Gregg

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  • 07.10.08

    Sen. Cornyn discusses Medicare and gas prices

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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