Issue Statements - Environment



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  • 09.29.08

    Senator John Thune calls on the House of Representatives to pass important wind energy tax incentives, AMT

    Senator(s): John Thune

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  • 09.18.08

    Senator Kit Bond Discusses Offshore Drilling During Senate Republican Conference Hearing

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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  • 09.16.08

    Senator John Ensign Press Conference on Energy

    Senator(s): John Ensign

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  • 11.26.08

    Grassley Chats with Mike Peterson of KMA Radio and Rusty Ebert of the Van Buren County Register

    Senator(s): Charles Grassley

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  • 09.16.08

    Ohio Clock News Conference


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  • 08.13.08

    Senator Collins works to protect Maine’s lakes from milfoil and other invasive species

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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