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Nice, if chilly day in B-town. Getting excited for the semester to start, already too much to do!
Writing a tiny compiler.
When it snows in Connecticut, it snows like crazy.
Standing in a pizza place that has no power watching the chefs do what they do best with the still running pizza ovens.
Time to make sugar cookie dough, so that we'll have some cookies to decorate on Christmas Eve.
Amazingly already in the airport. My first NWA flight on time in a while!
Bummed out that I'm going to miss one last dinner with Dr. Ghuloum before he leaves B-town (congrats Aziz)
I wonder why downwardly mobile sounds weird when upwardly mobile doesn't.
I just need a few more productive days, then I can relax a little... final exam tomorrow though, off to get a good nights sleep.
Feeling like I've been about as productive this evening as I can expect given my sleep deprivation, now time for sleep :)
Classes are done, but still lots to finish before the semester ends!
Thinking its a bad sign when you wake up and feel exhausted. Last day of classes, still 2 projects to finish! Yikes!
@dan Didn't you guys just release Songbird 1.0?
I want a plotter. I know I have no practical use for it, but the one in the main library is just sooooo cool. Yay, poster goodness.
I love waking up to snow on the ground.
Hoping the bus stopping by the side of the road and the strange beeping sound doesn't mean we're stuck waiting on another bus.
@EatMeerkats I was just thinking this morning that I need to do this for Ruby once I'm done with stuff for the semester.
Loving that Chowder is calling their Christmas special "Hey, hey it's Knishmas" (Knishes made popular by our Jewish friends here in the US)


Jack Dorsey Dan Alex Rainert hircus John Gruber Amy Jane Gruber Kevin Kearney Mark Bell Intellagirl Kevin Makice Amy Makice Superkb nan Ruby on Rails Warren Ellis micah craig Jonathan Branam Chris Eller Robb Smylie Indiana SOI moswald _monkey therealcaro jpotenzo rustbucket11 Joshua Rothhaas 140 37signals bill keep mikebowser Breaking News valkyrie savage Stephen Koch integralRich ccortez Kyle D.P. Ross Rob Mensching