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@greentown Because I'm still at work and I'm going to have to park in my neighborhood at 10 tonight. Spite. That's why you're freezing.
I MUST HAVE FOR CHRISTMAS!!! if only it ever snowed here
@moiradawson I'm 75.6% addicted to film: And I'm charging you for that time at my standard rate.
@chriskuech Just got the Xmas card. Your son is enormous (in a tall, not "husky" way). What are you feeding him? Whole yak?
@moiradawson Come back to SF and I'll kick you too.
My Lord "Dark Knight: on Blu-Ray is just astounding. God this is a good movie.
is screaming "OBJECT!!" like a loon at an episode of Law & Order. It's like every defense lawyer is a Helen Keller impersonator.
@chriskuech I love how everyone of his favorites is some comics guy I already follow....I'm dying alone, aren't I?
I think the word "Lenovo" means "Punk'd" in Chinese.
Love how fast Baby Bullet train if only of were an hour later.
@moiradawson I'm not saying I wouldn't love it, but (1) you wouldn't see me for a month and (2) I can actually talk to girls.
Wow. Bar Tartine is really great. Exactly my kind of restaurant.
Wondering what to get @mrtall and @miss_splendid for Christmas. Hint, hint.
SHIT!! No fish stew. I forgot that a friend from college is in town.
Yes. I'll let you know.
@warrenellis Whisky Blasphemer!!! How dare you sully the good name Ardbeg! Try a Lagavulin, you pansy.
@calvinwuchin And, of course, hellos to Agnes (cannot get the accent thinger).
@mrtall Yeah, you looked beat earlier. Feel better.


Alex Payne James Lileks Wil Wheaton Paul Kedrosky Remember The Milk Warren Ellis Calvin Chin jasonmendelson greentown tkerpelman Andy Lorek justinparr Chris Kuechenmeister hodgman moiradawson pattini TheExperiment brubaker katiecrouch MialeFelice BRIANMBENDIS JulieFeldkamp