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Damn you UPS !! I want my Macbook and Intel SSD !!
@coda sorry i don't mean to say you're being unmoved. I'm just a bit angry with myself for caring and doing nothing.
@coda The protesters are easy to ridicule, and they deserve it. But being unmoved in the face of violence is nothing to be proud of.
@buzz or how they have like two half-dice of jicama.
I am a prisoner of UPS. Remind me never to ship anything to my apartment.
I have such stubby thumbs. I need to find a plastic surgeon to get these suckers removed. Whoneedstohitthespacebaranyway.
"She texted me this morning, but only in a perfunctory sort of way"
Slow down driver! If this train exceeds the 8mph speed limit, it might tear a hole in the space-time continuum.
Welcome to MUNI. How can we make your day suck better?
The real 'Dread Hipster Roberts' has been retired 15 years and living like a king in Orange County.
I am having a good hair day! Everyone please stand back, don't disturb any of my tousles.
@_evan also, I know a great priest named Gedde Watanabe.
@_evan Congratulations! If you invite me to the wedding I'll serenade the couple with an a cappella version of "Dream Weaver".
Wait, there's been some sort of mistake. TODAY is Dec. 31st. We have to do this whole thing over again.
Drowning my sorrows in a cup of coffee.
I am the "Supreme Eater" of the fried rice cult.
A ridiculous and fun party with @jack, 25 bottles of champagne, another party, another party, Thai food, what's next?
Two full exercise routines today: Mysore and Spinning. F*ck I'm tired.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Evan Williams Dan Krissy Bush Alissa Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen J Chris Anderson Cameron Walters i heart quotes Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Wes Maldonado Alex Payne Dav Yaginuma Harris Tsim Britt Selvitelle meangrape Scott Fleckenstein Erik Kastner Coda Pat Nakajima Eric Hodel Ted Grubb hotdogsladies John Resig Jay Phillips Evan rick