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grabbing camera, newly fixed lens and fancy pants. Off to shoot the circus antics at @dnalounge
@JarretSlater Use instead - get parts and fix yourself.
At lucky 13 pre DNA w/@purrpill @nveeser and @ms_jen
En route to sushi with old college friends.
@chadscott you'll have to disable SafeSearch and log in to flickr, though
@sfslim You going to that? I'll be there.
@ChadScott It really depends on the destination of your photos. IS can only correct for so much. It lets me shoot at 1/10th unassisted
@ChadScott no, it is an amazing piece of glass. It's my main lens for shooting concerts and while heavy, it's amazing
woo, thanks canon. 70-200 f/2.8 IS/L lens returned by repair just in time for tonight's circus/punk/gypsy show
@cyantist The whole trick is to distract you, so you can't pay attention to the game, where you are losing money... but you know that. ;)
3/4 of 2008 was great. the last 1/4, not so much. good afternoon/morning, 2009.
just finished dinner, soon off to @jwz 's place with @evacide, rae, and perhaps eliza
@jack would like to be with you guys but friend got stuck in traffic on way here from LA. have to wait for her! d'oh
back from ucsf hospital, e's dad seems a bit better but still in ICU. went to SPQR afterwards for food (which was good, but not excellent.)
@kartar ah, thanks, i'm looking that up now
@darkpilot That problem has been reported by a number of users. I think I'm going to hold off on upgrades.
Dear twitterverse: Opinions about upgrading (or not upgrading) to 10.5.6 ? I hear there are Macbook Pro issues with the backlight.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Alissa Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Craig Calef Jason Goldman Buzz Andersen Xeni Jardin caroline Dave McClure Nick Douglas David Ulevitch Scott Beale Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Glenda mdy Caterina Thor Muller brady forrest Justine Nelson Minar Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Jonathan Lassoff Greg Stein Eddie Codel Robert Scoble irina slutsky bear
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