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wrong link for my sinus cold cure. here's the correct cure:
@PatrickTulskie I've been ignorantly using the old CocoaMySQL for the past 6 months.
@michaelg I'm glad it's still being worked on.
Taking airborne to fight off @stacy's sinus cold, it's trying to win. I might have to use this on it:
"Sequel Pro started as a fork of the abandoned CocoaMySQL project" -
@tylerweir do you like EventBox? It seems dedicated to the pursuit of information overload.
@tylerweir I have some project ideas around the ZigBee protocol and XBee radios (I have a couple of them on my desk right now)
@nkallen what size SSD did you go with?
"BlimpDuino is a very low cost open source autonomous blimp"
did you know that you can access imdb over email? send the subject HELP to
signed an email "Basically a killing machine now," to @danHarsch. I'm doing pretty well at Fallout 3. I can't believe how deep this game is.
@ev living the dream!
@psnively I disagree with @bos31337, I really enjoyed both of the last two batman movies. Except for Bale's silly "Batman voice".
@crazybob holy cow, that's hella cheap.
@dcbriccetti I've been thinking about a 30" monitor as well. Which model did you get?
@lane I figured you for more of a mutton chops kinda gal.
@pinwheel I likd your new 'stache. You got the most out of 2008, I see.
my backpack's got jets. I'm boba the _____ -- 2008, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Livia Shannon Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Craig Calef Stacy Jenson, dammit Steve Mays Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Eric Case Jason Shellen lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Salim caroline lorna Niall Kennedy Michael Herf Erika Hall bryan mason
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