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At Midnite for Maniacs, just watched Watcher in the Woods. Hoping I can make it through Stand By Me.
was just asked if i'd like to go count homeless people. my response: "maybe." if interested email:
Fun lunch at Big.Mouth Burger with @buzz. Food coma setting in now.
hi san francisco - you look very pretty today.
Thank you for the wishes re: my dad.
@bradcooper my dad's name is Le Kim Le. Thanks, he's very Catholic, so he'll appreciate the prayers.
people, my dad is in the hospital. he's almost 80, so i'm scared.
right now, i really wish i had someone to hold my hand and tell me it will be alright. because i'm not sure it will be.
Conspiracy of Beards singing at the LAC for our holiday listening pleasure.
I've never been malicious, but beginning to wonder if that was the best strategy.
Grateful for mid-day respite, though can't help, but think in Orwellian terms re: life. (Specifically, "Keep the Apidistras Flying").
@lulu nice to know you made an impression at MSF last week. good luck with the packing.
Tonight at Mission Street Food there was no non-bacon dessert choice.
welcoming old college friend @kuraje to twitter! (of course @r0b3rta is an old college friend as well, but she's been on twitter for a bit.)
discovered yet another sf st. fashion site (9, w/6 active). if u haven't been stopped 2 have yr photo taken, you're dressing in the dark.
working @storeroom, brainstorming session about communications.
b0rking something always throws me into a tailspin. trying to readjust so that I can go feed a cat and enjoy the sun.
stalking friends, via fb, in mumbai to make sure they are okay. watching slumdog mill. (tho a good flick) not great for escapism from this.
Weird, but nice to meet people in SF who are difficult to google. My brain, first thinks: "Just released from prison?"


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Livia Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case Chris Baum Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Ozlem lane Grant Shellen Kevin Fox dan lowrie Erika Hall Aubrey Sabala David Lu Shara Cameron Walters lane becker Sarah Hatter george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller