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All babies down. I am toast
Clouds dusting the Coyote Ridge horizon.
Visiting Karen in Sebastopol
Nepali party. Dancing with Sasha. Namaste
Sasha opined that the Grinch should steal the presents of the bad people
Brilliant sunshine in SF. Night ride to the Barrel tonite
Ila knows her ABCs
JFK runway. Back to the land of eternal sunshine. Goodbye to Lucky Changs and the trannies.
Catching up with Barbara in NYC. Long time. She's in black (always)
because we have to be."
Lunch gala with Senator Rudman. His best quote: "We are friends with India because they are the world's biggest democracy. We are frie ...
Sitting down in a room full of suits across from my old digs at the Fed
At the smokehouse petting dogs. Ila giving it a go
Cheese pizza with Sasha and Ila at target
found my keys -- whew. I am a space shot. New Sasha blog photos are up:
CycleKids is gaining traction:
Working on internationalization of 3taps
Alpine Damn ride kicked my butt. At least the collarbone is holding up. Beautiful Cal weather
Flat tire on the Saab. Switching to Toyota


Jack Dorsey Jeremy Evan Williams Jason Goldman lane Pete Gilbert Erik Westra Brent adrian chan Joe Latone shibumi shibumi jenniferjohnson Gayatri jeremymburton Craig Dalton rsskga someecards karengifford aliciakirk Ryan Maule megnakamura jbaressi zencowboy2 kathryn kuo_john mtakata emilycastelli vctips Lance Armstrong craigupton 3taps rebkidd