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Dreeeeeeeeam Weaver. I believe @_evan can reach the morning lii-iiiight.
@crystal isn't terribly impressed by my Spanish skills. I think queso casalito as a translation for cottage cheese is pretty good.
@wholefoods thanks! I ended up with a couple quarts of coagulated fat tho' ... I guess I messed up somewhere :(
The Road got moved back to an unknown 2009 release date. Boo. I just finished reading it a second time and it's still awesome.
@wholefoods the directions say I should have made the stock out of my turkey carcass yesterday ... Can I still do it tonight? Or is it bad?
This is the life! Planning to eat, eating and lazing about after eating. Viva turkeys!
Started putting together one of the lamps I ordered and found out we'd accidentally thrown away the lamp. WTS [lamp shade] x1.
7.5 hours of errands now finished. Time to check in on the furry house guests.
Running errands like a mofo. On step 5 of 8. Step 1 involved an ottoman. Step 8 involves feline transport. There's a turkey in there too.
VMware is some pretty impressive stuff, I have to say. I've got Windows right where I want it ... in a little cage I can ignore.
Ordered a turkey at whole foods.
Possibly being screwed by @bs.
@nelson Gratz! Long time coming, eh?
Reading about the Citigroup collapse. You know who's not sad about it - securities lawyers. Those dudes are gonna have work for 10 years.
Interviewing. So what's your story?
My booty is sore. The fleshy parts, I mean.
Watching @al3x wreck shit.
I feel like a bad liberal but I don't get the Auto Industry bailout. Are we to believe they could run a real business with the cash?
Turns out you can run into some awkward territory by dropping a not-dirty joke with 'regina' as the punchline.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Hook sara Greg Kidd Livia Dunstan Krissy Bush al Alissa Brandooon Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell mai Ted Wang Eric Case veen Dennis Crowley rae brune Maggie Mason Ozlem Lane Chris Sacca Pete Hopkins angus kohtz Yarrow Kae Bucans Chad Thornton
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