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Lost luggage, theft, Bryan ill, house rental mixup, Hank's eye infection, stove/shower malfunction, sore throat for me. Up yours, "vacation"
Hang gliding rental place called Die Trying. Extreme truth in advertising,
Stealing Wifi from a mega luxury hotel. Sitting alone at poolside with hundreds of empty lounge chairs, thinking post apocalyptic thoughts.
Corona tastes like my early twenties.
I am in my underwear, barefoot, sitting on the kitchen counter. There's a mouse under our fridge. Impasse.
In defiance of San Francisco parenting laws, we got Hank a pop gun for Christmas. He holds it to his mouth and makes flute sounds.
New kid at park took Hank's favorite new truck home, so Hank has decided sharing is for suckers. Sorry, future girlfriends.
If you lost your beautifully dressed gay man, he's at the Container Store.
Entire bar is singing "secret lover". Celebrating Tuesday with a bottle of prosecco.
At the heavy-pour bar where @sarahbrown and I grumbled over "weak drinks" 5 hrs into our night.
Poetry section is next to business section at bookstore. Forced mingling.
The baby woke at 3 a.m. Then he punched me in the face and took my wallet.
Watching from a third floor window for half an hour. No one in the city looks up.
Trying to be more present. So far, it's just making me mildly self conscious. Pretty sure I'm doing it wrong.
Favorite coffee description on the shop chalkboard: Sweet pink grapefruit, stone fruit, watermelon candy.
@shortyawards I nominate @joshacagan for 4th place in #humor because he's always been very dear to me.
Oh good. The neighbors got karaoke.
SF zoo ice rink is blaring "I kissed a girl". Parents, toddlers bobbing their heads in time.
Congrats @pud and @ilona! You guys are a good team.
Outlet cover guy? If I see you with a screwdriver again, I will beat you down. Coffee shop etiquette:


Evan Williams sara ilona Chris Wetherell mai veen Jason Shellen rae brune Lori Chris Sacca Mary Hodder Ryan Freitas Erika Hall Rear Adm. Monteiro bryan mason lane becker evany heather george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Amy Muller arjun Ben Brown Pamela Laird Anil Dash Greg Veen Ryan Carver Joshua Green Allen brandon schauer katie spence laura hotdogsladies jjg Matt Haughey Lance Arthur