Crandall Canyon Mine Investigation

GMCrandall050808-short.jpgOn August 6, 2007, a section of the Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah became the site of the worst coal mining tragedy of 2007. Pillars of coal supporting a roof burst, sending coal flying and creating enough force to register a 3.9 on the Richter scale. Rubble blocked every exit, entombing six miners somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 feet underground. Three courageous rescuers who attempted to reach them also died in the rescue effort.


The Committee launched an investigation immediately after the disaster, finding it likely that the tragedy was the result of a flawed plan for conducting retreat mining in the area of the mine where the deaths occurred.


Materials from the Committee Investigation

Chairman's Memo on Crandall Canyon Mine Investigation »

"Crandall Canyon Mine Roof Control Plan Review" »
Norwest Corporation Report
PDF, 9.2MB

Letter of Referral to Department of Justice »
PDF, 3.1MB

Chairman Miller's Statement on Findings of Investigation into Crandall Canyon Mine Disaster »
PDF, 108KB

Map of Crandall Canyon Mine »
PDF, 322KB

Timeline of events at Crandall Canyon Mine »

"The Perspective of the Families at Crandall Canyon" »
Full Committee Hearing
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Committee Press Releases on Crandall Canyon Tragedy

March 31, 2008
Chairman Miller Says IG Report on Crandall Canyon Shows Urgent Need for Stronger Retreat Mining Review Process

December 5, 2007
House Grants Deposition Authority to Education and Labor Committee for Crandall Canyon Investigation

October 3, 2007
Crandall Canyon Families Testify at House Labor Committee Hearing

September 24, 2007
House Labor Committee Issues Subpoena for Labor Department Communications Regarding Crandall Canyon Mine

August 27, 2007
Chairman Miller Requests Information from Labor Department & Murray Energy on Crandall Canyon Mine

August 17, 2007
U.S. Reps. Miller and Woolsey Statement on Crandall Mine Tragedy

August 8, 2007
House Labor Committee Releases Emergency Response Plan for Crandall Canyon Mine

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