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Back after another great night and early morning with the twitter crew.
Escaped twitter karaoke.
Tucking in my shirt and putting on non-denim pants for the Twitter party.
Market on Yates is nice but sure ain't no Whole Foods.
@landofshad in my mind it'll always be smut.
At the twitter office having breakfast and catching up on email.
Great first night in San Francisco. Cops, Schnitzel, martinis, Japantown and a long walk back to the hotel.
Arrived in SF, checked into the hotel and starving.
Hoping that's not my plane
Heading to the airport.
@awilkinson told me Nirvana was on tour last week.
A fridge void of real food. That's if you consider half and half a condiment.
@caroline I would but it's only playing in Toronto and Vancouver.
@caroline you gotta love Danny Boyle.
@erichamilt0n sure I've got a ffffound invite for you. DM me your email address
I love how the US/World economy is in the crapper and half the 24 hour news cycle is dedicated to OJ.
Wow, two twitter mentions in two nights on the Colbert Report. is telling me that Nirvana is on tour
Next time I'll order medium-hot from the noodle box. I need a stack of napkins to wipe my tears and nose. Lesson learned. I'm a mess.


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