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Giving up any hope of submitting to the Elsevier Article 2.0 contest. No time. http://article20.elsevier.c...
62F, clear, found a $20 bill walking the dog. Good Monday so far.
Buying software always seems like a waste
@lbjay I just ordered take-out, and probably so did you
An afternoon of upgrading: Bookworm and WordPress 2.7
Awesome dinner @ Craigie bar: roasted marrow, fried whole smelts, pig tails, cheese plate, cocktails.
Python needs a special 'you are dum' handler for errors involving the string 'None'
Liking Tasks in Gmail Labs. This may finally be the to-do list that I can live with. Also important that Google know even more about me.
@abdelazer I made something similar with lamb stew meat in the slow-cooker yesterday. Forgot to add wine but made up for that later.
@abdelazer Which recipe? I'll look for it
@macslocum Huh, I got Tivo S3 the minute it came out, not a single problem
Taking a longish survey from Creative Commons on what defines 'noncommercial' usage:
Psyched to be rolling out some new Bookworm features today: Stanza integration and public books are the biggies.
@KatMeyer ePub supports it if you include a "fallback" to an simple format (eg a transcript or still image). Still haven't seen one yet tho.
@mdash has logins for it, I see
@mdash Anything that's an "article"is always public, but annoyingly the "tutorials"are always registration-required
@saraschneider My previous employer does a lot in publishing, although not author sites yet. They have great designers.
Making up some ideas for additional IBM DevWorks articles on XML and social media


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