
3/08/06: Dodd, Lieberman Congratulate Connecticut Delegates to the United States Senate Youth Program

March 8, 2006
Washington, D.C. - Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman today congratulated Chanda Choun of North Haven and Sean Link of Terryville for participating in the 44th Annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) as the Connecticut delegates this week. The USSYP, funded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, offers meritorious students a scholarship and a one week trip to study the federal government in Washington D.C.

11/18/05: Dodd, Lieberman Hail Conference Approval of Transportation, Housing Appropriations Bill

November 18, 2005
WASHINGTON - The Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Conference Committee today approved a measure that, thanks in part to the efforts of Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman, will provide funding to help improve surface transportation, rail transit and promote affordable housing and community development in Connecticut and across the country. Dodd and Lieberman worked with their Senate and House colleagues to ensure that funds for a number of Connecticut projects remained in the bill providing more than $55 million in new federal funds for transportation and housing initiatives statewide.

11/18/05: Torrington

Senator Dodd is working to strengthen and improve Connecticut and to make a real difference in people’s lives. Here are some examples of the investments Senator Dodd has been able to secure for the Torrington region.

Appropriations | Senator Dodd in Torrington

Homeland Security

$2,747,796 in federal grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for fiscal years 2004 and 2005, awards made possible by the FIRE Act of 2000, a law authored by Senator Dodd that gives local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment, hire new personnel, and initiate education and training programs.

( published in: Litchfield County | Torrington )

11/09/05: Dodd, Lieberman Secure More Than $15 Million in Funds For Critical Connecticut Initiatives

Senators Applaud Senate-House Agreements on Two Major Appropriations Bills

November 9, 2005
WASHINGTON – The Senate and House have reached an agreement on two appropriations bills that will provide $15,945,000 in federal funding for important Connecticut initiatives in fiscal year 2006, Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman announced today. Dodd and Lieberman worked to ensure that resources for a number of Connecticut initiatives were included in both the Commerce, Justice, Science and State and the Energy & Water appropriations bills.

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