Beth Kanter’s Favorites

Gina Trapani
ginatrapani Want good blogging advice? Read Kottke, Blood, Haughey, Hourihan, & Dash.
christineegger @stevenewcomb (cont'd) It's a kind of corporate-sponsored carrotmobbing/flashmobbing... HT @kanter, @p2174, and more
Edward Vielmetti
vielmetti this is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
jowyang @kanter I suggest you synch up with @inspiremetoday you're both doing similiar things and can benefit from each other.
Kevin Gamble
k1v1n @kanter I'm feeling very lazy in retrospect. Looking forward to trying twitpay. BTW, 4 of us will be in Boston Dec 1-4. Possible tweetup?
Donna Schwartz Mills
socalmom Woke up at 4 to the smell of smoke. Another fire. Just jumped the fwy. We are 2 blocks south of mandatory evacuation zone
UCP eCoordinator
ecoordinator @kanter please reply to @electionpatrol about how accessible your polling location was, in what city and state.
Jesse Stay
JesseStay @kanter to opt out just uncheck the box
Jamie Nelson
planetnelson @kanter Millennials video was sent by friend and I just loved it. Am watching for the topic now.
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks @kanter the wikipedia page is a pretty good starting point. Have a look at too
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks @kanter "Six Degrees" by Duncan Watts is what you want for scale-free networks (Barabasi's "Linked" is much less use)
Tom Dawkins
tomjd @kanter For scalefree networks read anything by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. Also check out wikipedia
Birgit Pauli-Haack
bph @kanter e-mail sign up for newsletter, RSS feed, Sharing Links, blog/News
Claire Wadlington
wadlington @kanter Still sharing Bill Me Later $$? Nevis elementary school needs TV &/or VCR/DVD. http://www.handsacrossthese...
Avinash Kaushik
avinashkaushik @kanter Beth see this post: This one is bounce specific, and see the part that says An Exception.
ozma @kanter did you give it all away? floaters members could use help with planned winter jackets for Mixtecan little ones (no heat, dirt floor)
alexsteed @kanter Thanks, Beth! Can it only be things listed as available through Wal-Mart via the site, or is it any item from Wal-Mart?
Tori Tuncan
lend4health @kanter How bout 4 "Mother Warrior" books on Amazon. I get Jenny McCarthy to sign at conference next week; raffle on L4H for loans
Nate Ritter


Sarah Milstein Jerry Michalski DocRob danah boyd Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton Gavin Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Paul Terry Walhus Clarence Wooten Scott Beale Kurt Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson BJ Cook Josh Bancroft Antonio Edward Chris Prakoso Ingo Di Bella Jason Calacanis George Kelly George Brett Elmo Brian Del Vecchio Michael McFadden Sooz Jayne Russ Thornton Stewart Butterfield Caterina Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar Zack Rosen
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