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Heading home, apparently dog was roughed up in a doggy toussel.
Woah, check it out, closing in on 3,000 Twitter followers. Kind of whacky that many want my inane comments.
@michaeljkaufman: I find their paper and ceramic products are fine, but clothes aren't so hot. Decals/transfers wear off quick.
@BadAstronomer: "Do you always carry your medical records with you?"
@michaeljkaufman: hmmm ... can I see the store before it goes live? Not big into CafePress and the like, if that's how you're rollin'.
@GrammarGirl: Thanks! That makes two of us. :-)
Damn, young Sinatra's swing and metal attitude in spades on "Two Hearts, Two Kisses Make One Love." fricken RAWK!
@isfullofcrap how can u NOT like Roadhouse? 80s cheese at it's thickest. Healey? Neil? Swayze? I thought you'd be ... Bigger.
@strangerthings and now, I give the watch, to you. Y'all get ready for another Sigler/Newton production on Jan. 14.
Would anyone know why DMs have stopped coming to my personal mailbox? Addy is right in preferences, a Twitter change?
Thanks for all the Tweet Love about hitting the New York Times bestseller list. #33, baby!
Morning, Tweets! Walking dog, enjoying morning sunshine.
getting some big Tweet Love on the announcement, much appreciated.
Holy crappola: CONTAGIOUS is officially a New York Times Hardcover Fiction Bestseller:
Getting ready to shoot some video to promote the Saw V DVD release. This is going to be a blast.
@justinemusk: that is totally sweet. Now, rockin' to "Ready to Fall" by Rise Against. R-A-W-K.
Rocking to Atreyu's "Doomsday." What a sweet track.
If anyone is curious what Emma from NOCTURNAL looks like, check this picture.


Jack Dorsey Brian Walsh Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Dan Patterson Dave Winer Elmo Daniel Johnson, Jr. Josh Hallett Mike Manuel l.m. orchard Rich Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Steve Woolf Bill Palmer John Federico Heidi Miller Dan York Jim Long Zadi Diaz Philip Campbell Jon Nials Alex de Carvalho Antonio Altamirano Brett Elliff Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Eddie Codel d.w. Robert Scoble irina slutsky Katsushiro scott
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