Most investors send corporate management a very simple message: “Make me more money

As a shareholder in the Domini Funds, you make a difference in the world. Engaging companies on global warming, sweatshop labor, and product safety. Revitalizing distressed communities. Bringing new voices to the table. Redefining corporate America’s bottom line.


Invest for your future while helping to build a world of peace and justice.

What's New
Domini Joins Investor Coalition in Support of Employee Free Choice Act
Institutional investors managing $372 billion urge Senate and House leaders to pass critical labor law reform.
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Domini Wins Strong Vote on Predatory Credit Card Practices
Resolution with Bank of America gains more than 33% of shareholder votes.
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2009 Semi-Annual Report Now Available
Read Amy Domini’s thoughts on community development and the economic outlook, and find out how Domini helps revitalize communities.
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Amy Domini Receives Award for Professional Ethics
Villanova University honors Amy’s commitment to responsible investing.
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New Report Highlights Pollution Costs in Shipping Industry
Domini's analysts contributed to latest sector report by Eurosif.
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You should consider the Domini Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. View or order a copy of the Funds' current prospectus for more complete information on these and other topics. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

For more information about the Domini Funds or to speak with a shareholder representative, call 1-800-762-6814. DSIL Investment Services LLC, Distributor.

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