Featured Biographies
John Quincy Adams
George Aiken
Nelson Aldrich
William Boyd Allison
Henry B. Anthony
David Rice Atchison
Alben Barkley
Thomas Hart Benton
Hiram Bingham
James G. Blaine
William Blount
William Borah
Edward Brooke
Blanche K. Bruce
John C. Calhoun
Hattie Wyatt Caraway
Dennis Chavez
Henry Clay
Roscoe Conkling
Charles Curtis
Jefferson Davis
Chauncey M. Depew
Everett McKinley Dirksen
Stephen A. Douglas
Oliver Ellsworth
Sam Ervin
Rebecca Latimer Felton
Ralph E. Flanders
Hiram Fong
J. William Fulbright
John Nance Garner
Guy Gillette
Carter Glass
Arthur Pue Gorman
Philip A. Hart
Gilbert Hitchcock
Ralph Izard
Nancy L. Kassebaum
John F. Kennedy
Rufus King
Robert La Follette
Octaviano Larrazolo
Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr.
Scott Lucas
William Maclay
Willie P. Mangum
Mike Mansfield
Joseph R. McCarthy
Charles McNary
George Mitchell
Justin Morrill
Wayne L. Morse
Lee Slater Overman
Timothy Pickering
Orville H. Platt
Hiram Revels
Joseph T. Robinson
Hugh Scott
Morris Sheppard
James Shields
Margaret Chase Smith
John C. Spooner
William Sprague
Charles Sumner
Robert A. Taft
Benjamin R. Tillman
Millard E. Tydings
Oscar Underwood
Arthur Vandenberg
Robert Wagner
Thomas J. Walsh
Daniel Webster
Kenneth S. Wherry
Historical information provided by the Senate Historical Office.
Information about any senator, representative, vice president, or member of the Continental Congress.
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