Webcasts Home
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- How to View Webcasts
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More Audio, Video Resources at the Library
What You Need
To view Library of Congress Webcasts you need the RealPlayer, a free application for playing video and audio files. You can download the RealPlayer from the RealNetworks site.
Trouble with RealPlayer
If you are having trouble downloading or installing the RealPlayer, please view the customer support information available from the RealNetworks site.
Blurry or Frozen Picture
Make sure the Connection setting in your RealPlayer Preferences is correct for your connection speed. The Preferences can be accessed with a right-button click (Control-click on Mac) on a RealPlayer movie or status window.
If the Connection setting is correct, but the picture appears to "stutter" or "freeze-frame,” this may be due to Internet congestion, which can be more frequent at certain times of day.
Saving Audio and Video Files
The Library’s Webcasts are streaming files and cannot be saved to your computer.