Brown Asks Obama to Remember Ohio

December 18, 2008

Source: Portsmouth Daily Times


As Congress and the Obama administration craft a stimulus package, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today sent a letter to President-elect Barack Obama advocating for specific priorities, such as in the state of Ohio, to be included in the final bill.

"As you work with Congress to craft an economic stimulus package, I urge you to acknowledge the disproportionate impact of the economic downturn on states like Ohio by taking factors like higher than average unemployment and foreclosure rates into account as you allocate stimulus funding.? The effects of the economic crisis have been uneven, and to be effective, our nation's economic stimulus strategy should reflect that reality," Brown wrote to Obama.

Since 2000, Ohio has lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs, leads the nation in young people leaving the state, has an unemployment rate above the national average, a record-high foreclosure rate, and has aging water and sewer lines and bridges across the state.

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