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New sculpture unveiled at Homecoming ceremonies

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A bust of William Penn, the early Statesman, founder of Pennsylvania, and namesake for William Penn University, was created by Tom Oliver, graduate of 1972. Jim Davis, former trustee and lifelong friend of former Penn president, John D. Wagoner, donated the art piece in memory of President Wagoner. The sculpture will be displayed in Penn Hall.

    MTC dedication.jpgMusco Technology Center Dedicated

The Musco Technology Center was dedicated on Saturday, October 18, as part of the 2008 Homecoming activities. The facility now houses Penn's premier industrial technology programs as well as the new digital broadcasting and other communications programs.  The 20-foot mural in the foyer of the Musco building was painted by Michael Brangoccio, who also participated in the ceremony. 

Joe Crookham, chair of the Penn board of trustees and CEO of Musco Sports Lighting, and members of the Musco team were present for the dedication.

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