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March 4, 1999
10:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Legislation to be acted on:

1.    S. 380, Congressional Awards Act.

2.    S. 92, Biennial Budget and Appropriations Act.
        a. Domenici amendment in the nature of a substitute.
        b. Durbin amendment - Annual appropriations.
        c. Durbin amendment - President's signature on budget resolution.
        d. Durbin amendment - Legislative appropriations.

3.    S. ____, Emergency Spending Reforms. This Committee print will embody the text of Title II of S. 93.
        a. Domenici, Lieberman, Thompson Amendment.

4.    S. ____, the Government Shutdown Prevention Act. This Committee print will embody the text of Title IV of S. 93.

5.    S. ____, Clarifying Changes to Pay-As-You-Go. This Committee print will embody the text of Title III of S. 93.
        a. Domenici amendment

6.    S. ____, Budget Act Amendments regarding the Senate's consideration of Budget Resolution and Reconciliation Bills.          This Committee print will embody the text of Title V of S. 93.
        a. Lieberman amendment - Amendment to address the issue of votes on budget legislation.
        b. Lieberman amendment - Amendment to permit the leaders to offer amendments that have been filed but not               offered.
        c. Lieberman amendment - Amendment to permit a limited number of precatory amendments

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