Oversight of Investment Banks' Response to the Lessons of Enron

Wednesday, December 11, 2002, 9:30 a.m.
106  Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Collins Statement

Senator Levin Statement

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Staff Report


Hearing to consider the nominations of Alejandro Sanchez, Andrew Saul and Gordon Whiting to be Members of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board.

Friday, November 15, 2002, 10:00am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs  
Asleep at the Switch: FERC's Oversight of Enron Corporation


Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 10:00am
342  Dirksen Senate Office Building

Senator Lieberman Statement

Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Staff Memorandum

Business Meeting

 Wednesday, October 9, 2002,  10:00am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Agenda and Results

The Committee on Governmental Affairs
Ephedra: Who is Protecting American Consumers?

Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 10:00 a.m
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

 Staff Report

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring, and the District of Columbia
Hearing to consider the nominations of Ruth Goldway and Tony Hammond to be Commissioners of the Postal Rate Commission

Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at 9:00am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
(Senator Akaka chaired this hearing.)
Annual Report of the Postmaster General to the Senate

Friday, September 27, 2002, 10 am
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness Testimony

The Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services
Responding to the Threat of West Nile Virus


Tuesday, September 24, 2002, 10:00 am
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
JULY  2002
When Diets Turn Deadly: Consumer Safety and Weight Loss Supplements

Wednesday, July 31, 2002, 10:00 am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
The Role of the Financial Institutions In Enron's Collapse

Senator Collins Statement

Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 9:30 a.m.
 Day Two
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations 

Senator Levin Statement


Strengthening Multilateral Non-Proliferation Regimes


Monday, July 29, 2002, 2:30 p.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Senator Akaka Opening Statement

Senator Akaka Closing Statement

Witness List & Testimony

International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services Subcommittee of Governmental Affairs
Business Meeting

Agenda and Results


Senator Thompson Statement

Wednesday, July 24, 2002, 9:30 am
Thursday, July 25, 2002, 9:30 am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Video July 24th
No Video Available for
July 25th

Lieberman Substitute Amendment to S.2452 as amended at July 24th and 25th Business Meetings

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman Statement


The Role of the Financial Institutions In Enron's Collapse (Day One)

Tuesday, July 23, 2002, 9:30 a.m.
106 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations 

Senator Levin Statement

Senator Collins Statement

The nomination of Mark W. Everson to be Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President

Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 2:00 p.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs


JUNE  2002
Preparing for Reality: Protecting Against Weapons of Mass Destruction

Friday, June 28, 2002, 9:30am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs  
Hearing to review the relationship between a Department of Homeland Security and the intelligence community.

Video June 26th

Video June 27th

Wednesday, June 26, 2002  9:30 am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Thursday, June 27, 2002  1:00 pm
216 Hart Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony June 26th

Senator Lieberman Statement June 26

Witness List & Testimony June 27th

 Senator Lieberman Statement June 27

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

 Press Release June 26

  Press Release June 27

The nomination of James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002,  3:00pm
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

  Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs
(Senator Durbin will chair this hearing.)

Hearing regarding President Bush's proposal to create a Department of Homeland Security.

Thursday, June 20, 2002 9:30am
106 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Lieberman/President's Legislation Comparison Summary of S.2452

Press Release

The Committee on Governmental Affairs


Senator Lieberman Statement

The nomination of Michael D. Brown to be Deputy Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 10:30am
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
“Protecting Our Kids: What is Causing the Current Shortage in Childhood Vaccines?”

Wed., June 12, 2002,  9:30am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs  


"Cruise Missile and UAV Threats to the United States."

Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 10:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Akaka Opening Statement

The International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services Subcommittee of Governmental Affairs
"Russia and China: Non-proliferation Concerns and Export Controls."

Thursday, June 6, 2002, 2:30 p.m.
342 Dirksen Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Akaka Press Statement

Senator Akaka Closing Statement

International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services Subcommittee of Governmental Affairs

"Half a Loaf – The Impact of Excluding Surplus Commodities from America’s Response to Global Hunger."

Tuesday, June 4, 2002, 2:00 p.m.
 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
MAY  2002
"Voting Representation in Congress for Citizens of the District of Columbia."

Thurs., May 23, 2002 at 2:30 pm
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs  


Business Meeting


Wednesday, May 22, 200, 9:30am
342 Dirksen Office Building

Subpoena to the
Executive Office of the President

Subpoena to the
Executive Office of the Vice President

The Committee on Governmental Affairs  

Agenda & Results

The nominations of Todd Walther Dillard to be United States Marshal for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and Robert R. Rigsby to be Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Thursday, May 16, 2002,  2:30 pm
 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
(Senator Durbin will chair this hearing.)

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"Under the Influence:  The Binge Drinking Epidemic on College Campuses."  

Wednesday, May 15, 2002  9:30am
342 Dirksen Senate Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs


"Tobacco’s Deadly Secret: The Impact of Tobacco Marketing on Women and Girls"

Tuesday, May 14, 200210:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Witness List & Testimony

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
"The Postal Service in the 21st Century: The USPS Transformation Plan."

Monday, May 13, 2002, 10:00 a.m 
342 Dirksen Senate  Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Akaka Statement

The International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services Subcommittee of Governmental Affairs
"Securing Our Infrastructure: Private/Public Information Sharing."

Wed., May 8, 2002,  9:30 a.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Akaka Statement

The Role of the Board of Directors In Enron's Collapse

Tuesday, May 7, 2002, 9:30 a.m.
216  Hart Senate Office Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Levin Statement

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation

Senator Lieberman Statement

APRIL  2002
"Gas Prices: How Are They Really Set?"

Witness Lists & Testimonies

Video April 30

Senator Akaka April 30th Statement

  Tuesday, April 30, 2002,  9:30 a.m. 
216 Hart Senate Office Building.
 Thursday, May 2, 2002,  9:30 a.m. 
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Senator Levin April 30 Statement

Video May 2

Senator Levin May 2 Statement

Senator Collins April 30  Statement

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Senator Lieberman April 30 Statement

Senator Lieberman May 2 Statement


"Kids and Cafeterias: How Safe are Federal School Lunches?"


Tuesday, April 30, 2002  2:30 p.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
Vital Assets: Human Capital in Federal Economic Regulatory Agencies

Tuesday, April 23, 2002  10:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Building


Witness List & Testimony


The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
"The State of Public Health Preparedness for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Six-Month Report Card."

Thursday, April 18, 2002  9:30am
342 Dirksen  Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs 


A License to Break the Law? Protecting the Integrity of Driver's Licenses

Tuesday, April 16, 2002, 10:00 a.m. 
342 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.

Witness List & Testimony



The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia

Public hearing to discuss legislation to establish a Department of National Homeland Security and a White House office to combat terrorism. 

Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 9:00am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Press Statement


Nomination of Paul A. Quander, Jr. to be Director of the District of Columbia Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 3:00pm
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
(Senator Durbin will chair this hearing.)

Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs 
MARCH  2002
Business Meeting

Thursday, March 21, 2002 9:00am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Agenda and Results


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"Rating the Raters: Enron and the Credit Rating Agencies."


Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 9:30am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman Statement

"The Federal Workforce: Legislative Proposals for Change."

Press Release

Monday, March 18 and
Tuesday, March 19, 2002,
both at 10:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building. 

Witness List & Testimony

Video Monday

Video Tuesday

The International Security, Proliferation, & Federal Services Subcommittee

Senator Akaka Statement

"Public Health and Natural Resources: A Review of the Implementation of Our Environmental Laws, Part II."

Wednesday, March 13, 2002,   9:30am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman Statement

Business Meeting

Tuesday, March 12, 2002,  11:15 am
S-211, the LBJ Room

Agenda and Results

The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"Critical Skills for National Security and the Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act."

Tuesday, March 12, 2002,  2:30 p.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Building.

Senator Akaka Opening Statement

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Akaka Closing Statement

The International Security, Proliferation, & Federal Services Subcommittee


"CIA National Intelligence Estimate of Foreign Missile Development and the Ballistic Missile Threat through 2015"

Monday, March 11, 2002,  1:30 p.m.
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building.


Senator Akaka Opening Statement

Witness List & Testimony

The International Security, Proliferation, & Federal Services Subcommittee

Senator Akaka Closing Statement

"Public Health and Natural Resources: A Review of the Implementation of Our Environmental Laws."

Thursday, March 7, 2002,  9:30am
342  Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman Statement

"Who's Doing Work for the Government?: Monitoring, Accountability, and Competition in the Federal and Service Contract Workforce."

Wednesday, March 6, 2002,  9:30am
Room 216  Hart Senate Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman Statement

Nomination of Jeanette J. Clark to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Tuesday, March 5, 2002,  2:30 pm
342  Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs Columbia (Chaired by Senator Durbin)
"U.S. Policy in Iraq: Next Steps"

Senator Akaka Opening Statement

Friday, March 1, 2002, 10:00 a.m.
342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony


Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, & Federal Services

Senator Akaka Closing Statement

Nomination of Louis Kincannon to be Director of the Census

 Thursday, Feb. 28, 2002, 2:30pm
342  Dirksen  Building

Senator Lieberman's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: Enron and the Wall Street Analysts." 

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2002, 9:30 am
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List & Testimony


Press Release

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman's Statement

 "Illicit Diamonds, Conflict and Terrorism: The Role of U.S. Agencies in Fighting the Conflict Diamond Trade." 

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2002,  9:30am
 342 Dirksen Building



Witness List & Testimony

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
Business Meeting

Tuesday, February 12, 2002, 10:15am
 S-207 (the Mansfield Room)

Agenda and Results

The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"Multilateral Non-proliferation Regimes, Weapons of Mass Destruction Technologies, and the War on Terrorism."

Tuesday, February 12, 2002, 9:30 am
342 Dirksen Senate Building


Witness List & Testimony

International Security, Proliferation, & Federal Services Subcommittee

Senator Akaka's Statement

The nominations of Dan G. Blair to be Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management and John L. Howard to be Chairman, Special Panel on Appeals. 

Friday, February 8, 2002, 10:30 am
342 Dirksen Building
(Senator Akaka chaired this hearing.)

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
The nomination of Nancy Dorn to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Friday, February 8, 2002,  9:30 am
342  Dirksen  Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs
"S. 1867, a bill to establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States."

Thursday, February 7, 2002, 10:30 am
Room 342 Dirksen  Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman's Statement

"Retirement Insecurity: 401(k) Crisis at Enron"

Tuesday, February 5, 2002, 9:30am
Room 342 Dirksen  Building

Witness List & Testimony


The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Lieberman's Statement

FIELD HEARING "Good Beginnings Last a Lifetime:
How the Federal Government Can Promote Affordable, Quality Child Care ."

Monday, January 28, 2002, 10:00 a.m.
at the Childgarden Child Development Center
4150 Laclede Avenue, in St. Louis, MO.

Witness List & Testimony


The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
"The Fall of Enron: How Could It Have Happened?"

Thursday, January 24, 2002  10:00am
SH-216 Hart Senate Office Building   


Witness List & Testimony

Senator Lieberman's Statement

The Committee on Governmental Affairs

Senator Thompson's Statement


Past Committee Hearing Pages

2001 Hearings

Past Governmental Affairs  Committee Hearings, 107th Congress
from Government Printing Office

2000 Hearings

1999 Hearings

1998 Hearings     1997 Hearings

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