Closing Statement for 11/29/01 Hearing on Combating WMD Proliferation Threats through Non-Proliferation Programs (Part II)

                The events of September 11th have made the prospect of WMD terrorism a reality.  I am pleased that the Administration today has stated that it shares my sense of urgency for our non-proliferation activities.  I hope its words will be matched by action and by appropriate funds.

                On another issue, every witness today said that a statutory coordination mechanism for U.S. non-proliferation is unnecessary.  Mr. Van Diepen suggest that it could even be counter-productive or intrusive.  This view contradicts those of every one of our witnesses from our hearing on November 14th.  Each of the proliferation experts welcomed the prospect of additional senior-level coordination and even suggested how the provisions proposed by S.673 should be expanded.  In fact, they all stated that improved coordination was vital to an effective national non-proliferation strategy. 

                There is agreement that we need a national strategy.  I hope the Administration’s review will be completed soon so that this Subcommittee can be briefed on its conclusions. 


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