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SPACE EXPLORATION | Expanding the boundaries of human understanding

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  • Mercury in January

    Surprises at the Planet Nearest Sun

    NASA’s Messenger spacecraft flew past the planet nearest the sun in the early morning hours of October 6, completing a critical maneuver to keep it on course to orbit Mercury in 2011 and giving scientists a look at 30 percent of the planet’s surface that no one had seen before.

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  • Phoenix (NASA)
    Phoenix Mission Ends on Martian Plain

    After more than five months of discovery on the Red Planet, Phoenix succumbs to frigid temperatures, declining daylight and a dust storm on the northern plains of Mars.

Did You Know?

  • A composite image of the moon’s Orientale Basin (NASA)

    With Chandrayaan-1 in lunar orbit, India’s space program becomes the fifth to send a spacecraft to the moon, joining the United States, the former Soviet Union, Japan, China and the European Space Agency’s 17-country consortium.