New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Overview | Threat-Based-Funding | Infrastructure | First Responders | Efficiency & Accountability | Responding to 9/11 Health Effects | Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
Government Contracting

Protecting New York and the nation is our government’s most important responsibility. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 underscored the urgent need to put in place a comprehensive strategy to keep this country safe that uses our resources in smart and effective ways. Unfortunately, all too often under the Bush Administration we have seen funding decisions that put politics ahead of real threats.

Championing Threat-Based-Funding

In the Senate I have championed threat-based funding for homeland security that gives New York the resources it needs and deserves to protect its many high profile targets. This was one of the key recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission and other independent experts. Threat-based funding is a common-sense policy that’s puts our resources where they are most needed. But for years I have had to fight the efforts of the Bush Administration to short-change New York and send resources to lower threat areas. New York’s first responders deserve all the support we can give them and I will continue to fight for the resources they need. MORE»

Protecting Key Infrastructure

We have made some important progress towards protecting our vital infrastructure and guarding against future terrorist attacks, but there is still much more to do. I have worked to improve security at our bridges, tunnels, ports, chemical and nuclear plants, and along our northern border. MORE»

Giving First Responders the Tools They Need

Our first responders need the resources and the best tools available to meet the challenges we face. I have worked in the Senate to improve our emergency communication systems and enhance our ability to respond effectively during a crisis.  MORE»

Restoring Efficiency and Accountability

I have been greatly troubled by the Department of Homeland Security’s record of incompetence and waste, from the inadequate response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to excessive bonuses for private contractors without regard to performance. After reports of problems in DHS’s contracting system, I secured into law a measure to put a stop to the disgraceful practice of giving bonuses to Homeland Security contractors for shoddy work or even work never performed. I also introduced legislation to restore FEMA to an independent, Cabinet-level federal agency and to ensure that it has the authority it needs to effectively manage recovery efforts for future crises.  MORE»