New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
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In this section of the website, you can read Senator Clinton's key policy speeches.

Senator Clinton Calls for Immediate Action to Halt Market Crisis - September 18, 2008

Speaking on the Senate Floor, Senator Clinton called for swift and strong action to stem the growing credit crisis on Wall Street. Assailing the Bush Administration for ignoring repeated warnings of the growing crisis and failing to provide adequate oversight of an increasingly complicated market, Senator Clinton offered a series of bold, specific proposals, including creating a new version of the Home Owners� Loan Corporation (HOLC) to restore confidence in the market, curbing the most damaging and manipulative trading practices, providing relief to homeowners facing foreclosure, and reasserting competent federal oversight. READ MORE >

Senator Clinton Calls for New Foreign Policy to Meet Challenges Around the World - June 27, 2007

Delivering a keynote address at the inaugural forum of the Center for a New American Security, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton emphasized the urgent need for America to chart a new course on foreign policy. At a time when we face the greatest confluence of challenges in our country's modern history and the world is more interdependent than ever, we need a new and optimistic foreign policy that again widens the scope of our strength by rebuilding alliances, reclaiming America's moral authority, and transforming our military and government to meet the host of challenges we face. READ MORE >

Senator Clinton Announces Initiative to Address Growing Crisis Facing Subprime Mortgage Holders - March 15, 2007

In an address to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announced an initiative to address the growing crisis facing those holding subprime mortgages. Underscoring the need to make the rules clear and level the playing field for homebuyers, Senator Clinton outlined a plan to break down barriers to owning a home and build up protections against unfair and unscrupulous lending practices. READ MORE >

Senator Clinton Calls for New GI Bill of Rights - March 8, 2007

In a major address at the Center for American Progress, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton emphasized the failure to meet our responsibilities to our servicemen and women before they are deployed, when they are deployed and when they come home. Clinton called for immediate action steps to address challenges facing our troops and called for a new GI Bill of Rights to once again invest in our servicemembers. READ MORE >

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations - October 31, 2006

In a major policy address at the Council on Foreign Relations, Senator Clinton called for a reversal of the basic foreign policy principles of the last six years to rely on diplomacy, international institutions and balancing our idealism with realism to reduce American isolation, succeed in the war on terror and deal with Iraq and other increasingly difficult challenges. READ MORE >

Senator Clinton Calls for Rural Renaissance to Restore the Promise and Prosperity of Main Streets and Rural Communities - July 31, 2006

In a major address on the challenges facing rural communities, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today called for new investments and strategies to restore the promise and prosperity of Main Streets and rural communities. READ MORE >

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Privacy to the American Constitution Society - June 16, 2006

In a major policy address on the challenges of privacy in our increasingly data driven world, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton called for a comprehensive privacy agenda: a Privacy Bill of Rights that secures the interests of consumers; stronger, better enforced protection for medical privacy and a new national security consensus setting out clear rules to allow the government to use new intelligence techniques and make sure the public knows its rights and limits. READ MORE >

Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the National Press Club on Energy Policy - May 23, 2006

In a speech at the National Press Club, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton called for a "Strategic Energy Fund" to jumpstart research and investment in clean energy technologies, and to help America reach the goal of reducing oil imports by 50 percent by 2025. READ MORE >

Remarks at The Economic Club of Chicago's 78th Annual Dinner Meeting - April 11, 2006

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a major address on the economy at the Economic Club of Chicago's 78th Annual Dinner Meeting. READ MORE >