May 8, 2007

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Applauds Restoration of Devolved Government in Northern Ireland and Implementation of Good Friday Agreement to Ensure Lasting Peace

Washington, DC - "May 8, 2007, marks the realization of peace and progress as the devolved government of Northern Ireland stands up to govern itself peacefully and democratically. Today's events speak to the dedication of so many in Ireland, in the United Kingdom, and around the world who have prayed, and worked, and sought this day. I am very proud of the role that my husband and I were able to play in helping to bring about peace in Northern Ireland. I know many were skeptical that lasting peace would be possible in the time leading up to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. The commitment of everyone involved, their constructive negotiations, their sacrifice, their faith led us to this day of a new government and great hope. I remember so fondly my visits to the Northern Ireland, meeting with women and men, leaders and citizens, who all shared the same longing for peace, the same hopes for their children, and the same desire for a better future. As we mark the start of this new government, we are seeing the realization of that promise.

The political parties and their leaders must be commended for the work they have done to reach this historic moment. We know that many people have suffered great losses and the healing process will continue well into the future, but today's events remind the world that yes, peace is possible. I praise everyone involved, especially Prime Minister Blair and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. They stayed strong when it seemed hope was fading. I know that the Catholic and Protestant leaders who have been working to see this day become a reality are grateful that they are now going to govern a bright and prosperous Northern Ireland.

The Irish and Scots-Irish American people helped make the United States what it is today. I join each one of you across America in congratulating the new leadership. Not only does today mark a victory for the people of Northern Ireland, today also marks the 62nd anniversary of Victory in Europe, which ended World War II and ushered in peace and prosperity across Europe and much of the world.

I believe that the movement toward lasting peace in Northern Ireland is a model for how we, as a nation and a world, can engage one another. I commend the leaders who now assume great responsibility to govern, to heal, to lead Northern Ireland into this new era. America stands with all those who will continue to work on behalf of Northern Ireland's bright and peaceful future. God bless you and Godspeed."


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