United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


June 15, 2006



BREATHABLE AIR: Miners will have more emergency breathing devices to help them survive a disaster.  The bill:


·        Requires each miner to have at least 2 hours of breathable air and stores of breathing devices every 30 minutes along escape routes for miners trying to evacuate.

·        Emergency supplies will be carefully monitored for reliability.


BETTER COMMUNICATIONS AND TRACKING: State-of-the-art technology. The bill:


·        States that all mines will have state-of-the-art two-way wireless communications and electronic tracking systems in place, as soon as technologically feasible, but not later than three years from enactment.


BETTER RESCUE EFFORTS: Mine rescue team response will be faster and betterThe bill:


·        Requires rescue teams to be located close to the mines they cover and be familiar with those mines.  

·        Includes special provisions for small mines that are realistic, but also provide a higher level of protection for their miners than under current law.

·        Clarifies that neither rescue team members nor their employers are liable for any injuries or deaths that occur as a result of rescue activities.


STEEPER FINES: The Secretary will have new enforcement powersThe bill: 


·        Sets substantial new minimum penalties for serious violations.

·        Gives the Secretary clear authority to shut down a mine for noncompliance with Department orders.


ENCOURAGES NEW INSPECTORS: The bill encourages technological advances and a new generation of skilled miners and safety inspectorsThe bill:


·        Focuses the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)’s mine safety activities and creates an interagency working group to facilitate development of new technologies.

·        Directs expert study on belt-air and flammability of belts and field tests of refuge chambers.

·        Creates a grant program to improve safety training.

·        Creates a scholarship program to increase the skilled workforce for mining operations, the inspector corps, and more safety research for institutions of higher learning.






·        All mines will have flame resistant lifelines to guide miners out in an emergency.


·        Seals for abandoned sections of mines will be stronger.  Within 18 months, the Secretary must issue a higher standard for sealing off abandoned areas of mines to prevent dangerous explosions.



